On the first day of the 2022 Central Racing Club (CMC) Kaliro Sugar Rally in eastern Uganda, motorsport fans were excited. This followed an unexpected appearance by a seasoned racer who had been gone from competition for some time.

Rajiv is the chairman of the board of trustees of the Central Motorsport Club (CMC) and the managing director of Speke Group, one of the club's key supporters.

Rajiv's attendance at various stages of the rally attracted the attention of many fans, who were curious as to why he was a spectator rather than racing.

Rajiv is a rally champion in Uganda and has won many contests, including the Federation of Motorsport Clubs of Uganda (FMU) 2019 Autocross championship in Kayunga area.

Rajiv finished second in his maiden race, the Enduro Autocross Championship 2019 at Zion Estates in Ssisa, with a timing of 10:44. He attended the Rally Motorsport Academy in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he got specialised training.

The rally, which is being organised by the Federation of Motorsport Clubs of Uganda (FMU) in collaboration with the Central Motor Club, will take place between November 11 and 13 in the districts of Jinja, Iganga, and Bugweri.

According to the course clerk, Alfred Mutanda, this is the sixth event on the FMU Calendar, and it will cover a total distance of 303 kilometres, including 134 kilometres of competitive racing.