The Ministry of Finance has completed the
budget and proposed to Parliament a supplemental request for UGX 86.4 billion
to co-invest in the project.
As a result, the ultramodern Convention Center
will eventually host the G77/China South Summit.
Members on the Budget Committee praised the
project's forethought and hinted that the proposal would be accepted.
The architectural designs and engineering work
bill of quantities are still being worked on. They calculated the building cost
at about $40 million (Shs. 147b).
Mr. Sudhir supplied the land and technical
oversight for the project, despite the fact that Finance Minister Matia Kasaija
said that the government lacked the funds to construct its own convention
center on its property.
"It is an urgent project, and a large sum
of money is required, which the government will find difficult to come up with
on short notice." The government does not have unlimited funds. There are
numerous things we need to accomplish, so finding a partner makes things
simpler," the Minister previously said.
"We are collaborating with Sudhir on this
initiative." The government contributes money, and Sudhir contributes
money. The architects are still working out the numbers, and then we'll know
how much the government and Sudhir will pay. "If we create a company
together and it succeeds, we divide the earnings," he said.